Tuesday 22 May 2012

Third Section

"'S'pose I went in with you guys. Tha's three hundred an' fifty bucks I'd put in.'"
This is a turning point because since the beginning of this book, Lennie and George have dreamed about their own house with only two of them. Now Candy overheard their conversation and wants to pitch in and move in with them. He is putting more than half of his share of the house for three. Lennie and George don't particularly want Candy to join them, but it would take a lot longer to buy a house like that with only the two of them. Because of Candy, this dream could turn to a reality.

Juxtaposition- when two or more things are placed side by side

He does this because it shows how desperate times are and how much George and Lennie want to escape from situations such as the fight between Curley and Lennie. Lennie beating up Curley could symbolize how much they want to achieve their dreams. Lennie could symbolize the both of them and Curley could symbolize all of the obstacles in their way.

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