Monday 7 May 2012

My Room

My room is smaller than the Fit Pit but bigger than the girl's washroom. The walls are painted with two shades of pink- split by a white three-inch wide runner that separates the two in half along all four sides of the wall. The door of my room is in a corner, when you approach the door, all you can see is my dresser and my massive chair shaped like a hand. When you get closer, you see a desk to the right of the dresser covered with pencils, notebooks, tags, tickets, and other random things strewn on top. You might even notice the window that is above the desk with beige semi-transparent beige curtains that are bunched in the middle by velcro. Now you're in the doorway and you can see all of my room, the magenta carpet on the floor, my queen-size bed in the furthest corner diagonal from you, my assortment of pillows, my posters on the far wall, another desk, and the entrance to my walk-in closet and washroom to your right- the wall now behind you. 


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  3. nice description of you room very good mental pictures, seems like a nice room.
    You, George and Lennie all seem to have random stuff on your desk/shelves, it seems that your room is bigger but theirs is longer but because there is eight of them in a room it seems smaller but you both have the basics in your rooms, their room has almost like a kitchen in it so it takes up more room, they don't seem to say anything about a bathroom so maybe the bathroom in your room is like the kitchen in theirs, they seem to have what they need and a little more, they have blankets and beds with pillows, and what seems to be something like a desk and selves, you have mostly the same.
